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Total: 206         Search:    

7410 Over/Under 
1361x2 - 15 minutes 
3121x2 - 20 minutes 
1391x2 - 30 minutes 
1371x2 - 60 minutes 
3341x2 - 70 minutes 
1381x2 - 75 minutes 
104Asian Handicap (2nd Half) 
337Asian Handicap (Sets) 
210Away Come From Behind and Draw 
129Away Come From Behind and Win 
58Away Corners Over/Under 
193Away Highest Scoring Half 
207Away No Bet 
332Away Not lose/Over 
333Away Not lose/Under 
116Away Team Score a Goal (1st Half) 
117Away Team Score a Goal (2nd Half) 
83Away Team Total Cards 
106Away Team Total Goals(1st Half) 
108Away Team Total Goals(2nd Half) 
112Away team will score in both halves 
123Away team will win either half 
151Away Team Yellow Cards 
134Away Total Corners (1st Half) 
135Away Total Corners (2nd Half) 
89Away Total Shot On Goal 
283Away Win To Nill (1st Half) 
284Away Win To Nill (2nd Half) 
120Away Win/Over 
121Away Win/Under 
300Both Teams to Receive 2+ Cards 
252Both Teams to Receive a Card 
113Both Teams To Score in Both Halves 
81Cards Asian Handicap 
79Cards European Handicap 
80Cards Over/Under 
299Cards over/under between 0 and 10 m 
188Clean Sheet 
324Corner in 1-15 minutes 
325Corner in 16-30 minutes 
326Corner in 31-45 minutes 
327Corner in 45-60 minutes 
328Corner in 60-75 minutes 
329Corner in 75-90 minutes 
55Corners 1x2 
130Corners 1x2 (1st Half) 
131Corners 1x2 (2nd Half) 
56Corners Asian Handicap 
125Corners Asian Handicap (1st Half) 
126Corners Asian Handicap (2nd Half) 
45Corners Over Under 
247Corners Race To 
307Corners. Double Chance 
239Corners. European Handicap 
208Corners. First Corner (3 way) 
295Corners. Total (Range) 
297Corners. total between 0 and 10m 
141DC - 15 minutes 
140DC - 30 minutes 
142DC - 60 minutes 
143DC - 75 minutes 
293Double Chance 0-15m 
294Double Chance 15-30m 
296Double Chance 30-45m 
282Double Chance/Both Teams To Score 
183Double Chance/Total 
109Draw No Bet (1st Half) 
182Draw No Bet (2nd Half) 
263Early Goal (Range) 
195Either Team Wins By 1 Goals 
196Either Team Wins By 2 Goals 
181European Handicap (2nd Half) 
54First 10 min Winner 
250First Card Received (3 way) 
76First Corner 
97First Goal Method 
280First Set Piece 5 Minutes 
179First Team to Score 
185First Team to Score (3 way) 1st Half 
205First Team to Score (3 way) 2nd Half 
314Fouls Odd/Even 
175Fouls. 1x2 
170Fouls. Away Total 
172Fouls. Double Chance 
174Fouls. Handicap 
171Fouls. Home Total 
173Fouls. Total 
224Game Decided After Penalties 
225Game Decided in Extra Time 
144Goal in 1-15 minutes 
145Goal in 16-30 minutes 
146Goal in 31-45 minutes 
147Goal in 46-60 minutes 
148Goal in 61-75 minutes 
149Goal in 76-90 minutes 
336Goal Line 
72Goal Line 1st Half 
209Home Come From Behind and Draw 
124Home Come From Behind and Win 
57Home Corners Over/Under 
192Home Highest Scoring Half 
206Home No Bet 
330Home Not lose/Over 
331Home Not lose/Under 
114Home Team Score a Goal (1st Half) 
115Home Team Score a Goal (2nd Half) 
82Home Team Total Cards 
105Home Team Total Goals(1st Half) 
107Home Team Total Goals(2nd Half) 
111Home team will score in both halves 
122Home team will win either half 
150Home Team Yellow Cards 
132Home Total Corners (1st Half) 
133Home Total Corners (2nd Half) 
88Home Total Shot On Goal 
199Home Win To Nill (1st Half) 
200Home Win To Nill (2nd Half) 
118Home Win/Over 
119Home Win/Under 
75Last Corner 
180Last Team to Score 
262Late Goal (Range) 
298Method of Victory 
223Number of Goals In Match (Range) 
165Offsides 1x2 
168Offsides Away Total 
169Offsides Double Chance 
166Offsides Handicap 
167Offsides Home Total 
313Offsides Odd/Even 
164Offsides Total 
197Over/Under 15m-30m 
198Over/Under 30m-45m 
304Over/Under between 0 and 10 m 
303Over/Under between 0 and 10 m 
292Over/Under between 0 and 10m 
59Own Goal 
163Penalty Awarded 
321Penalty Awarded (1st Half) 
322Penalty Awarded (2nd Half) 
308Race To 
305Race to the 2nd goal? 
306Race to the 3rd goal? 
335Red Cards Over/Under 
194Result/Total Goals (2nd Half) 
316Saves 1x2 
317Saves Asian H 
320Saves Double Chance 
319Saves O/U Away 
318Saves O/U Home 
323Saves Odd/Even 
315Saves Total 
110Scoring Draw 
176ShotOnTarget 1x2 
178ShotOnTarget Double Chance 
177ShotOnTarget Handicap 
220Shots. Away Total 
221Shots. Home Total 
301Tackles. Away Total 
302Tackles. Home Total 
254Team Performances (Range) 
260Team Time Of 1st Score 
14Team To Score First 
15Team To Score Last 
248Time Of 1st Score 
253Time Of 1st Score 
291Time of First Goal Brackets (Range) 
189To Advance Handicap 
100To Miss A Penalty 
61To Qualify 
99To Score A Penalty 
201To Score In 1st Half 
202To Score In 2nd Half 
184To Score in Both Halves 
222To Win From Behind 
127Total Corners (2nd Half) 
128Total Corners (3 way) (2nd Half) 
77Total Corners 1st Half 
85Total Corners 3 Way 
84Total Corners 3 Way 1st Half 
261Total Goal Minutes (Range) 
187Total Goals By Ranges (1st Half) 
186Total Goals Number By Ranges 
87Total Shot On Goal 
211Total Shots 
281Total Tackles 
311Which team will score the 1st goal? 
152Yellow Asian Handicap 
159Yellow Asian Handicap (1st Half) 
160Yellow Asian Handicap (2nd Half) 
158Yellow Cards 1x2 
161Yellow Cards 1x2 (1st Half) 
162Yellow Cards 1x2 (2nd Half) 
310Yellow Cards Away Total (1st Half) 
309Yellow Cards. Home Total (1st Half) 
203Yellow Cards. Odd/Even (1st Half) 
204Yellow Cards. Odd/Even (2nd Half) 
154Yellow Double Chance 
157Yellow Odd/Even 
153Yellow Over/Under 
155Yellow Over/Under (1st Half) 
156Yellow Over/Under (2nd Half)