Desktop Application Help  

Rating Explanation

The rating looks like this:

Help for Desktop Application Rating Explanation 8540

The first number, Return percentage

Shows the profit in percentage terms relative to the stake for a given period.
If the Return percentage is green, it means the tipster has a profit.
If the Return percentage is negative, it means the tipster has a loss.
The higher the Return percentage, the better.

The second number represents Unique Bet legs

The higher it is, the better.
If a player has placed only a few bets, it's more a matter of luck.
For example, a player can place just one bet, win by chance, and have a huge profit.
But when the number of bet legs is in the hundreds or thousands, it's a matter of statistics.
That's why we want the second number to be as high as possible.

Here are some examples of ratings:

Help for Desktop Application Rating Explanation 8540

On the Top Tipsters and Top Tipster's groups screens, ratings for the entire betting period are displayed, up to a maximum of 6 months.

Best Tipsters 6 Months and Best in Groups 6 Months forms

Help for Desktop Application Rating Explanation 8540

Help for Desktop Application Rating Explanation 8540

On this forms the overall ratings are shown in the Total column, followed by the monthly ratings.
By clicking on a monthly rating, all bets for that period are displayed.
Good groups may be under a PayWall for displaying tickets from the last month.