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Rating Explanation

The rating looks like this:

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The first number, Return percentage

Shows the profit in percentage terms relative to the stake for a given period.
If the Return percentage is green, it means the tipster has a profit.
If the Return percentage is negative, it means the tipster has a loss.
The higher the Return percentage, the better.

The second number represents Unique Bet legs

The higher it is, the better.
If a player has placed only a few bets, it's more a matter of luck.
For example, a player can place just one bet, win by chance, and have a huge profit.
But when the number of bet legs is in the hundreds or thousands, it's a matter of statistics.
That's why we want the second number to be as high as possible.

Here are some examples of ratings:

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On Home page ratings for the entire betting period are displayed for Tipsters and Groups, up to a maximum of 6 months. Click on some rating to see monthly ratings. But you have to be logged in to continue.

Monthly Tipster's Ratings for all groups

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The top node displays the Tipster's total rating.
The second node shows the group's total rating.
The third nodes represent monthly ratings.
By clicking on a monthly rating, all bets for that period are displayed.
High-performing groups may have their last month's tickets behind a paywall.

Best Tipsters in group

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Top node displays the groups's total rating.
The second node shows the tipster's total rating for that group.
The third nodes represent monthly ratings.
By clicking on a monthly rating, all bets for that period are displayed.
High-performing groups may have their last month's tickets behind a paywall.